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  Scientific Database
The Library

The Library of Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences was established in 1958. It houses 60,000 printed items in Classification of fungiand bacteriology, plant virology, microbial ecology, microbial metabolism,enzymology, microbial genetics, fermentation and so on. The library has more than 20,000 books, more than 800 foreign academic journals, 280 Chinese journals. The library also keeps publication exchange programs with librariesin other countries.

The library provides convenient and efficient online service over the Internet.Readers can access to more than 9,600 foreign full text periodicals, more than 9,500 full text Chinese journals, more than 80,000 Chinese eBooks, more than 80,000 foreign eBooks. Through interlibrary loans, readers of the institute can also use documents of many other libraries, including more than 70 research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and more than 10 University libraries in Beijing.

Director of Library: Shiqing Yang
Tel:(+86 10)64807382,(+86 10)64807660
e-mail: lib@im.ac.cn





Institute Of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences
NO.1 West Beichen Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China Phone: 0086-10-64807462 Fax: 0086-10-64807468 Email: office@im.ac.cn