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Virus Genome Sequence Data of COVID-19 Outbreak in Xinfadi, Beijing Released
Author:        Updatetime:2020-06-19 Printer      Text Size:A A A 



On the evening of June 18, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially released the virus genome sequence data of COVID-19 outbreak in Xinfadi, a wholesale food market in southwest Beijing, through Novel Coronavirus National Science and Technology Resource Service System.  

The three sets of data are from the genome sequence data of confirmed cases in Beijing (NMDC60013902-01 and NMDC60013903-02) and the genome sequence data of environmental samples (NMDC60013903-03).

CDC has also submitted the COVID-19 outbreaks information and the virus genome sequence data to World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) in a view to share with the international community.

The Novel Coronavirus National Science and Technology Resource Service System is jointly established by National Microbiology Data Center led by Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and National pathogenic Microorganism Resource Collection Center led by CDC. 

National Microbiology Data Center: http://www.nmdc.cn/ 

Novel Coronavirus National Science and Technology Resource Service System: http://www.nmdc.cn/nCoV

Sequence 1: NMDC60013902-01: http://nmdc.cn/resource/ncov/genome/detail/NMDC60013901-01

Sequence 2: NMDC60013903-02: http://nmdc.cn/resource/ncov/genome/detail/NMDC60013902-01

Sequence 3: NMDC60013903-03: http://nmdc.cn/resource/ncov/genome/detail/NMDC60013903-01

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