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RIKEN Delegation Visits IMCAS
Author:        Updatetime:2017-07-19 Printer      Text Size:A A A 

Delegation from Riken (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Japan visited the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) on July 13.


Prof. DONG Xiuzhu, deputy director of the Institute of Microbiology welcomed the delegation led by Kotani Motoko, Executive Director, RIKEN and introduced the history, main research fields of the institute, and the major cooperation programs with Japan.


IMCAS had a deep cooperation relationship with the universities and relevant research organizations in Japan. In addition, IMCAS cooperated with the Institute of Medical Sciences of The University of Tokyo and set up a joint laboratory in 2006, and also have cooperated with RIKEN for many years.


Kotani Motoko, in charge of international affairs of Riken, expressed thanks for visiting the IMCAS. RIKEN has a history of 100 years from establishment up to now and is one of Japan’s top research organizations. It had carried out physics, biology, medicine and other advanced science researches involved in many fields. It focuses on promoting the basic science research and technology transfer. Meanwhile, she was very glad to see the close cooperation between Riken and Institute of Microbiology.


RIKEN had a long cooperation relationship with the Information Network Center, IMCAS led by Dr. MA Juncai and Culture Collection Center.


Both parties were willing to keep friendly cooperation relationship in the future.




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