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Challenges in the transition from technologies into products
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Title: Challenges in the transition from technologies into products

Presenter: Dr. Ge Wu

University:  MPlus Consulting, USA

Time: 10:00-12:00, May 20, 2015

Venue: Room E201, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Healthcare is the most important industry in the world, especially in developed world (in 2003, as percent of DP: US, 17.1; Japan 10.3; Germany 11.3). Many companies are engaged in developing products based on novel technologies. However, due to the lack of a good understanding of the novel technologies, many companies failed completely or changed direction during the process. It is a very challenging field but the reward is enormous too. I have been involved with several early stage biotech companies and will share some of my knowledge in this field with the emphasis on Caliper Technologies, now part of PerkinElmer.

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