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Development of computational tools driven by understanding micro- and macro-structures of bacterial genomes
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Title: Development of computational tools driven by understanding micro- and macro-structures of bacterial genomes

Presenter: Qin Ma, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

University:  South Dakota State University 

Time: 10:00-11:00, May 19, 2015

Venue: Room A102, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Abstract: Bioinformatics is in the big data era, and all kinds of Omics data provide huge information for us to understand complex biological system at different levels. In this talk, I will show my experiences in development of computational tools driven by understanding the transcription units (micro-structure) and global organizational principles (macro-structure) of microbial genomes through computational studies and experimental validations. And the knowledge and information gained through such studies have been applied to reconstruction of metabolic pathways & network and elucidation of associated regulatory systems in microbes.


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