Title: Tinkering evolution of post-transcriptional regulons
Presenter: Professor Huifeng Jiang, PhD
University: Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
Time: 14:00-15:00, 16 May, 2011
Venue: A203, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: Genome-wide studies of post-transcriptional mRNA regulation in model organisms indicate a "post-transcriptional RNA regulon" model, in which a set of functionally related genes is regulated by mRNA-binding RNAs or proteins (RBR or RBP). Here we used RBPs Puf3p and Puf4p as examples to show how evolution like a tinker exploits pre-existing materials of conserved post-transcriptional regulons to regulate gene expression for novel functional roles. Then we analyzed 1,600 gene expression profilings for 33 RBPs in yeast, and found that the major biological function of RBPs is to reduce expression variation. Finally combining transcription and post-transcription together, we built a mathematic model, indicating that post-transcriptional regulons cooperate with transcription factors to optimize gene expression in cell.