The seminar of the "Investigation on the Mycorrhizal Fungal Resources in the Regions of Great Xing'an Mountains in Northeast of China” hosted by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science was held on January 23, 2018 in Jilin Agricultural University. About 40 experts attended the seminar.
GUO Liangdong, the host of the project, reported on the mid-term work of the project. The project expert team carefully reviewed the medium-term progress summary and confirmed the progress achieved since its start and provided valuable suggestions.
After completing the project's questioning and answering agenda, LI Yu, academician and the leader of expert group concluded that the project ought to emphasize the research on mycobacterial resources of economic value. He hoped the next step is to put forward the "Five Reservoirs in One District" and establish a "star" mycotoxin conservation area.
LI Junxiong, deputy director-general hoped that the project team would continue to complete the task of investigating the fungus resources in Northeast China as well as promote international cooperation and exchange with Russia and other countries under the framework of international cooperation projects.