Principal Investigator,Professor : oomycete genomics and host immunity
Ph.D 2013-2018 Plant Breeding, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands
MSc 2010-2013 Plant Genomics, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
BSc 2006-2010 Biological Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
Lin, X.#*, Jia, Y#., Heal, R., Prokchorchik, M., Sindalovskaya, M., Olave-Achury, A., et al. (2022). The Solanum americanum pangenome and effectoromics reveal new resistance genes against potato late blight. BioRxiv, 2022.08.11.503608. doi:10.1101/2022.08.11.503608.
Ahn, H.K.#, Lin, X#., Olave-Achury, A.C., Derevnina, L., Contreras, M.P., Kourelis, J., Kamoun, S. and Jones, J.D.G. (2023) Effector-dependent activation and oligomerization of NRC helper NLRs by Rpi-amr3 and Rpi-amr1. The EMBO Journal. (Co-first author)
Lin X, Olave-Achury A, Heal R, Witek K, Karki HS, Song T, Wu CH, Adachi H, Kamoun S, Vleeshouwers VGAA, Jones JDG (2022) A potato late blight resistance gene protects against multiple Phytophthora species by recognizing a broadly conserved RXLR-WY effector. Molecular Plant. Doi:
Witek K#, Lin X#, Karki HS#, Jupe F, Witek AI, Steuernagel B, Stam R, van Oosterhout C, Fairhead S, Cocker JM, Bhanvadia S, Barrett W, Wu C-H, Adachi H, Song T, Kamoun S, Vleeshouwers VG, Tomlinson L, Wulff BB, Jones JDG (2021) A complex non-host resistance locus in Solanum americanum recognizes a conserved Phytophthora effector. Nature plants. 7, 198-208 (Co-first author)
Lin X, Wang S, de Rond L, Bertolin N, Wouters RHM, Wouters D, Domazakis E, Bitew MK, Win J, Dong S, et al (2020) Divergent Evolution of PcF/SCR74 Effectors in Oomycetes Is Associated with Distinct Recognition Patterns in Solanaceous Plants. MBio 11: 380
Lin X, Armstrong M, Baker K, Wouters D, Visser RGF, Wolters PJ, Hein I, Vleeshouwers VGAA. (2020). RLP/K enrichment sequencing; a novel method to identify receptor-like protein (RLP) and receptor-like kinase (RLK) genes. New Phytologist 227:1264-1276
Lin X, Song T, Fairhead S, Witek K, Jouet A, Vleeshouwers VGAA, Hein I, Jones JDG (2020) Identification of Avramr1 from Phytophthora infestans using long read and cDNA pathogen-enrichment sequencing (PenSeq). Molecular Plant Pathology. 00:1-12. doi:
X Lin*, JDG Jones* (2020) RNA Splicing: A Novel Pathogen Effector Target. Molecular Plant. 13 (10), 1348
Xiao Lin, Yu Zhang, Hanhui Kuang and Jiongjiong Chen (2013) Frequent loss of lineages and deficient duplications accounted for low copy number of disease resistance genes in Cucurbitaceae. BMC genomics 14:335