IMCAS Holds Change Election of the Graduate Student Union and First International Student Forum

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The Institute of Microbiology held the 14th Election of the Graduate Student Union on January 5, 2016.

 LI Zhimeng, the chairman of the 13th Graduate Student Union summarized the work of the past year, and gave her suggestions to the next Graduate Student Union.Five graduate candidates illustrated their ideas about the Graduate Student Union and their future work plan.

 The election was based on the principle of “open, fair, justice”. Participating teachers and postgraduate representatives elected a new session of Graduate Student Union through a ballot. BAI Hua, the 2015 Ph.D. candidate was elected the new chairman of the Graduate Student Union. ZHANG Zhifeng, ZHANG Junxia, DU Xiaochen formed the new board members of the union.

 Director LIU Hongwei announced the election results, and praised the work of the last Graduate Student Union. Meanwhile, he hoped the new union inherited the good tradition of IMCAS, dedicated to their research work, and made great efforts for the institute and postgraduates.

 After the changing election, the first International Student Forum and New Year’s party opened grandly. All international students and Chinese student representatives took part in the activity.

 They started the show after they made brief self-introductions and knew each other. International students from Thailand and Nepal respectively sang Chinese pop songs such as Tong Hua (Fairy Tales) and Chuan Qi (Legend). Their wonderful performance won the enthusiastic applause from the audience. Beautiful melody of Tian Mi Mi (Sweet Honey) made people feel like place themselves in romance. The dance Xiao Pingguo (The Little Apple) from ZHANG Zhifeng brought the party to a climax. ZHANG Li brought exquisite tea performance, which demonstrated the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

 International students realized traditional Chinese culture in such a feast of sight and taste. Meanwhile, it enhanced communication and friendship between Chinese students and foreign students at IMCAS, enriched amateur cultural life of international students and provided a great chance for them to join this warm, big family.
