Principal Investigator Positions (Hundred Talent Project) at State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics

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State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics was co-established by Institute of Microbiology (IM) and Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research team at IM uses the major crop diseases as pathological models, including plant viral disease, rice blast, rice bacterial blight, cotton verticillium wilt and black rot disease of crucifers, to investigate the molecular plant-microbe interactions and develop novel biotechnology of disease resistance.

To strengthen the research on plant-microbe interaction, we are seeking for principal investigators who will be supported by the CAS Hundred Talent Project.


The candidate should be or wish to be Chinese citizen. Meantime, the candidate needs to meet the following requirements:

   1) Applicants should have a Ph.D., and more than 4 years of postdoctoral research experience abroad.

   2) Significant experience in the field of molecular plant pathology.

   3) An international scientific reputation attained through relevant publications.

   4) Ability to lead a research group to obtain outstanding academic achievement.

   5) Ability to maintain good working relations inside and outside the organization.


A full Curriculum Vitae (C. V. ), covering letter and research proposal should be sent by e-mail to: (cc to (please change “#” to “@” when sending emails).

Application deadline: Aug. 31, 2010.




State Key Lab of Plant Genomics

Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

W. Beichen Road, Chaoyang District

Beijing 100101


Tel: 86-10-64861838

Fax: 86-10-64858245